Does anyone use the SAP Canadian Payroll Module? - The 17th Floor

Does anyone use the SAP Canadian Payroll Module?

  • Anonymous

      We are currently looking at transitioning to a different Payroll System. Looking for feedback from anyone that may be using the SAP Canadian Payroll Module. LIies, dislikes, constraints, etc. Thanks!

      January 19, 2023 at 14:21
    • Anonymous

        Hello Joyce, I apologize for my late response. We transitioned from SAP HR and payroll to ADP in September 2021.
        Functionality that we had with SAP and do not have anymore are:
        -retro active pay
        -and the ability to issue two T4 (under two different RP numbers) for same employee. We would need to terminate the employee and rehire to add a different EI-employer rate.

        Please feel free to ask questions. I’ll answer if I can.

        June 13, 2023 at 15:38
      • Anonymous

          We are doing a payroll review so it is good to see this feedback.

          June 13, 2023 at 15:40
        • Anonymous

            I used SAP for many years in Payroll. It has it pros and cons, but overall I liked it. Great reports. And if you use another system to pay, uploading is easy, as well as year end

            June 13, 2023 at 16:56